Thursday, November 1, 2007


It's been over two months since I last posted. Work got in the way. I can't believe I planned, organized, and executed successfully (I can't remember any major glitches) one major major event (more than 200 attendees, foreign speaker!) plus a few others. (I'm being vague I know, hehe.)

I know my wedding will be far more organized and better than this. :) But this time, the spotlight will be on me (yikes!). Oops, on me and my groom. :)

Anyway, despite the hectic schedule, long nights, and stress that I got from the simultaneous events, I found THIS and all the stress was gone. :D

Yes, I found my wedding shoes after nights and nights of puyat searching for The One! And as I speak, it's already in hands of my bebe in the US. Can't wait to see it this December!

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